Saturday, 2 July 2016

Old motors at the Warslow Beer Festival.

Today I went down to Warslow for the annual beer festival fell race. Apart from the beer one of the attractions was a display of classic cars and tractors. Having a bit of time to kill before the race started I took out the camera and snapped away;

A contrasting pair of Fordsons.

Patina or shine? Which would you choose to take home?

Yes, definetely Fordson.

Forward control Landy, I want one!

Once Vauxhall made interesting cars. This one's a Victor.
It even looks good from the rear.

Even their smaller models had charm.

This started life as a Triumph Spitfire...

...and this a Sierra.

I like the numberplate best.


That reminds me, I must send a telegram to Dani to tell her how I did in the fell race.



  1. I loved the Fordson tractors...I would prefer the one with a patina of wear, and there would still be bits to source on it :-) We had a lovely Fordson Dexta Major on our farm when I was a nipper and I thought all tractors should be blue with red wheels...none of that green with yellow wheels stuff...The forward control Landy...with you on that one!

    1. I do like an old tractor myself, and they make good subjects to point a camera out. Shiny tractors look good, and that one is a credit to its owner, but a few dents and a bit of rust add charactor.
      I'd love to have a go behind the wheel of that Landy, it looks even more basic and uncompromising than the series 2 that I used to own.


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